Monday 17 April 2017

Speech for New Vision | Joe Pollitt


Joe Pollitt | Artwork by Hellen Nabukenya
For all those that can not make this historical Art show entitled, “To Live is to Become”, in Kampala by the Artist, Wasswa Donald Augustine, who is the Chairman of Artpunch in Buziga. The Artist has asked if I could write a speech for his Opening on Friday 31st March 2017 at Afriart Gallery – Kenneth Dale Drive, Off Kira Rd, Kamwokya from 6pm to 9pm. I will be wearing a full bodysuit of colourful off-cuts with hat and matching shoes that where created for me by the Artist, Hellen Nabukenya.

Joe Pollitt | Artwork by Hellen Nabukenya

“Good evening ladies and gentle. Some here tonight may know of me, some may have heard of me, most may not but I have flown in from London to be here with you on this very special occasion. This monumental solo show of the new works by Wasswa. My name is Joe Pollitt, that’s right, I am here. Here with you all, here I am, here in the flesh. Tonight, I am introducing Wasswa Donald’s historical show. Together, on this night, we are making history. This show will be recorded, shown to millions around the world. All those with smart-phones, get them out, hold them up and stream this show live to your friends around the world. “To live is to become” is a solo show and the artist is a wealth generator. He has generously paid his whole team and enabled their families to eat. Tonight, this show will be an education. An education into wood found in your glorious forests, here in Uganda. Tonight, with you all, we are naming the National Tree, the Mugavu, the National Tree for Uganda. The Mugavu grows wild here in your glorious forests and the Mugavu has deep roots but few care about this undiscovered tree. I am told by the artist that the Mugavu is almost ignored, sadly overlooked but tonight, here in this gallery Afriart, together we are naming the Mugavu, the National Tree of Uganda discovered by the the Artist, Wasswa Donald.

Joe Pollitt | Artwork by Hellen Nabukenya
The Artist is internationally emerging and tomorrow he flies to Germany, he is rising and with his perfectly framed screw-ups; his dysfunctional, functionals; his King and Queen ebonies, he is rising up to meet his destiny. His worth is extremely important and tonight I am here to announce that his work is International. The Ugandans around the world will see this work and weep at its brilliance. The Ugandans around the world will be so proud of the hard work that has gone into polishing these superior woods of the world that grow so easily, here in Uganda. We are witnessing great changes here in the Capital. The works you are about to see are some of the best I have ever seen anywhere. All of us here tonight are going to be seen. We are going to be recorded and we are going to make history. Together we are writing out a brand new chapter in Ugandan Art. We are making ourselves visible. My dream is to see the first sell-out show here in Kampala. I am not here to talk. I am here to buy. Well-come to the show, “To Live is To Become!”"

Artist | Hellen Nabukenya

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