Tuesday 13 April 2010

Thoughts of NOW!

I think Andre Gide put it best when he stated, “One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose the shore for a very long time”.

The risk-taking part of the creative or investigative process is not for the faint hearted. All creative thought, whether by scientists, writers, philosophers or artists, puts the individual in a state of constant self-questioning and often self-loathing. Support and attack with equal measure the integrity of others. Champion fair play and justice. Serve it up tepid to those that are rejecting and intentionally failing to recognise the blatant talent from an exploited Continent. My opposition is to those that are constantly supporting inferior individuals merely to cripple the identity of Nations as they evolve. This intent is to encourage the recycled-rubbish to rise and the cream to sink. Let us hope that these factors dissolve as we join in the fight to what must be, the most important war of all, the cultural war for true African Independence. A war in which morally we should all involve ourselves in. Discard the ideas of Renaissance and Revolution and focus on the talent, focus on the individuals within the world who are consistently producing challenging works of art. Celebrate their genius and strive to gain a better understanding of the customs of our planet. Once we have achieved this we will find within ourselves that sort-after mutual respect that is so desperately needed. We are living in a time of immense change we must embrace that change and benefit from our deeper understanding and acceptance of our talents within the wider world.

To Artists:

The creative process needs the application of a personal methodology, formed by you, the individual. This is the structure under which work can continually be evolving. What is essential is to have constructive periods of self-reflection. This complicated and agonizing methodology is largely hidden as only the final product from that process is made public in the form of an exhibition, the Internet or an Art Fair. Instead of interrogating the artworks produced by practitioners, we should examine the diverse ways that gritty thinking can generate waves of change. Remember, failure, in this instance is an option as the true artist will inevitably have to burden the rejection in order to shape the obvious change needed. Patience, passion and a small appetite with long sightedness is what is needed. One can never be deserted forever; the success is in working through being ignored and consistently building on works previously produced creating a handsome body of work over time; only then does the true artist know he or she is working for the greater good. Integrity is not dished out in spades rather it is delivered in tiny thimbles. Waste not a drop as when that has gone the rest is like a broken arrow, pointless and back to a useless forest stick without branches or roots.

If you like to respond to what I have written please contact me by email: africanartists@hotmail.co.uk

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